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		                            <span class="slider_description">Uplift your High Holidays with L'Chaim Center 5785! 

At L'Chaim Center, we celebrate the Higher Holidays with heart, soul, and community. Join us for Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, and step into the new year with renewed purpose. Reserve your spot today and make this a Higher Holidays to remember together! 

Confirmed High Holiday Speakers: 
Rosh Hashanah Speakers: Antony Gordon 

Yom Kippur Speakers: Rabbi Moshe Mayerfeld Mrs. Rochel Goldbaum Ms. Talia Molotsky Mrs. Liat Mayerfeld 

Rosh Hashanah 2024 - Sundown Wednesday, October 2nd - Sundown Friday, October 4th 
Yom Kippur 2024 - Sundown Friday, October 11th - Sundown Saturday, October 12th 

Schedule Coming Out Shortly</span>
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In the past two months, Am Yisrael has weathered unprecedented darkness, facing profound loss, pain, and suffering. However, the essence of Chanukah reminds us that a little light and goodness can dispel even the deepest darkness.


Together, we have succeeded in spreading an incredible amount of light to our soldiers, displaced families, and the communities most profoundly affected. We want to express our heartfelt gratitude to you for being our invaluable partners in this mission. To illustrate the impact of your generous contributions, we’ve prepared an infographic detailing where your much-needed funds have been distributed.


Please take a moment to view the infographic attached and see the tangible difference you’ve made.


On behalf of L’Chaim Center and Go Inspire, we extend warm wishes for an illuminated and joyous Chanukah!


Warm regards,

Rabbi David and Avi Schwartz


In times of trouble with the Jewish Nation of Israel, you can always turn to prayer. Feel free to use these age old words of King David.



Sat, July 27 2024 21 Tammuz 5784