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Men's Retreat 2024

Sunday, September 22, 2024 19 Elul 5784

8:00 AM - 6:00 PMTBD

Embrace Your Jewish Identity & Strengthen Israel by joining our Men's Retreat Event Details: Date and Time: Sunday, September 22, 8:00am - 6:00pm Location: To be finalized (location details will be emailed to registrants Cost: $80 includes breakfast and lunch Open to All Men age 30 and Above Be the Difference – It Starts Here It Starts with You! Workshops and Activities: Strength through Unity Workshops Torah Study and Spiritual Sessions Inspirational Leadership with Guest Speakers Solidarity with Israel Action Planning "In this critical moment, it's time to stand together, strengthen your Jewish identity, and show unwavering solidarity with Israel. Join us for a retreat that's more than just spiritual growth – it's a call to responsibility and unity. The urgency has never been greater. Be part of the solution, build lasting bonds, and lead your community towards solidarity. Channel your strong sense of Jewish identity into meaningful action. Together, we'll make a difference." Limited spots available. Register today to make a real impact.




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Sat, September 7 2024 4 Elul 5784